Today is my precious first-daughter's birthday.
I can't believe it--it seemed just yesterday it was her birthday, and here it is, her birthday again.
And for some reason, I always get a little cryish on my kids' birthdays. Memories of when they were fuzzy-headed, helpless and toothless flood my mind, and if I'm honest, mistakes I've made enter in as well. There's a sense of wanting to go back in time, wanting to "do it all over again", to avoid the wrongs that I've committed in raising them.
And then, I remember that they are who they are as the sum total of their raising, their experiences, their own personalities, which were shaped by their raising and experiences. And I get happy again.
Happy Birthday to my precious, sweet, God-loving, gorgeous, intelligent, funny and talented daughter. I don't know if you'll ever realize how precious and special you are to me. Words can't really do the feelings of this mom justice.
I love you. I always have, and I always will.
"I will put my trust in Him, behold, I and the children God has given me." Hebrews 3:13
I have heard many parents talk sadly about their kids' maturing. I don't see it this way. I am enjoying watching my kids grow. I am proud of how they are maturing. They still have plenty of cute features, and, hopefully, they will start a new crop of babies soon to bring about more cuteness. I look forward to seeing my kids get their own places, not because I want them to leave, but because I want to experience their maturing. I hope that I will be invited to hang out with them at their new places to watch a football game, eat a steak, or otherwise just hang out. This is not a sad thing; this is an exciting, fun thing. Don't let the melancholy rob you of the enjoyment and fulfillment.
Happy for you! It is sad to see them grow, but only sad because I'll be missing out. I'm thrilled for my kids and eager to see God's plan for them as time marches on!
From the time my dd was 6 months old, I was counting the time until she was 18. "We only have 35 more of these 6 month times with her," I warned my husband. I've cherished every minute of it.
Happy birthday to Addie, AND happy birth day to you. It's so special, in different ways, for each of you!
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