Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm so confuuuuuused = /

I've actually witnessed two people go onto my blog and still no comments! After I pretty much begged y'all!
What the wha...?
Well. OK. Fine. Perhaps there's some sort of lesson here for me.
New post coming soon, no comments necessary! (See? I don't mind if you don't comment! Ha, ha! Doesn't bother me a bit, no siree. I'll just keep on bloggin'!)
Later, I'll post some good websites to check out. Here's one now:
Yes, I know I've posted it before, but they're the funniest site around. You should go there now and have a good chuckle. Just remember to check back with me later ;-)
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven ... a time to embrace and a time to refrain." Ecclesiastes 3:1 and part of 3:5. (See, I'm embracing the fact that I have no commenters, and refraining from begging you to comment, lol.)


Heather Best said...

Fellow blogger,
Hi! I just wanted to leave you a comment and thank you for linking to my blog a few weeks ago. It really made my day. :) I will pop in from time to time and I promise to leave a comment and say hello. Happy Blogging!

Lisa O'B said...

Thanks, Heather!